Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sunday night my husband preached an amazing sermon on direction. All about the fact that no matter what our intentions are the direction our path is, is the direction are life is going to take us. It got me thinking about where my life is right now. I thought it was at a dead end. For so many years I was on this path and all the sudden it came to a screeching hult and I thought: THE END. Now what. But the previous weeks my eyes have been opened and the street light has been turned on to show me i'm not at a dead end, I'm mearly at a fork in the road where I choose to move on or sit at the stop sign. I have choosen to move on, see where this road leads me. What does God have in store for me? I have no idea. But I do know one thing, I am excited to see the interesting places he brings me and the people that travel with me. The road I traveled got me this far, but it's a one way street, and there is no turning back now! I hope when you come to these places in your life where you feel like your at a dead end, you will pray that God shows you the street light so you to can choose not to sit at the stop sign but to move on down the road!

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About Me

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My Name is Kylee and I am married to a Youth Minister! We have an amazing son who is the most adorable thing you have ever seen and are learning the ropes of parenting everyday! Youth Ministry is exciting and fun with it's fair share of heart aches and trials. This is my life!